How can I get my IRS Identity Protection PIN?
At AnderKobes, we take the protection of your identity seriously. To help advance the effort, we ask that you get an IRS Identity Protection PIN. This helps to minimize fraudulent Tax Returns from being filed on your behalf.
What is an IRS Identity Protection PIN?
The IP PIN is a 6 digit number chosen by the IRS, and known only to you and the IRS.
The IRS will mail you the IP PIN Code in the mail.
The IP PIN is added in the appropriate area of your tax return for the IRS to reference, and know that its you that the tax return represents.
The IP PIN code changes EACH year.
You need to be on the lookout for IRS mail each year as the new PIN code will be mailed to you.
AnderKobes does NOT get a copy of the IP PIN. If you decide to sign up for the IRS IP PIN program, you must provide the IP PIN to us yearly for us to complete your return.
For more information and to get your IP PIN Click Here.
F0r a full overview, please review this video: